Legal Notice

General Information to comply with the Internet Law and the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of personal data:

Owner: Finca Era Matea S.L. (hereinafter referred to as Eramatea)

Tax ID: CIF: B09982083

Address: Plaza Salamanca No. 23, 37724 Lagunilla (Salamanca)


Eramatea is registered in the Mercantile Registry of Salamanca, Volume 528, Book: 0, Folio: 7, Section: 8, Sheet: SA 18689, Entry: 1.


The company responsible for the website cannot assume any responsibility derived from the incorrect, inappropriate, or illegal use of the information appearing on this Internet page.

Within the limits established by law, the company assumes no responsibility for the lack of truthfulness, integrity, updating, and accuracy of the data or information contained on its web pages.

The contents and information do not bind the company nor constitute opinions, advice, or legal advice of any kind, as they are purely for informational and educational purposes.

The company’s website may contain links (links) to other third-party pages that it cannot control. Therefore, the company cannot assume responsibility for the content that may appear on third-party pages.

You can also consult our Data Protection Policy and our Cookies Policy by clicking on the links.

SECURITY uses technologies appropriate to the current state of the art to protect your personal data and information. Our website is stored on secure servers protected against the most common types of attacks. However, we must remind you that there is no invulnerable technology, and therefore, you must take the measures available to you to maintain the security level of your data. We particularly recommend using strong passwords for accessing your User account, with at least 8 characters alternating numbers, letters (uppercase and lowercase), and special characters. We also recommend that you change your password periodically (at least once a year) and that if you suspect that a third party may know it, you should change it immediately.


The texts, images, logos, distinctive signs, sounds, animations, videos, source code, and other content included on this website are the property of Eramatea or, where appropriate, have the right to use and exploit them. Therefore, they are protected works under the legislation of current intellectual and industrial property.

Any transmission, distribution, reproduction, or storage, total or partial, of the contents stored on this website is expressly prohibited without the prior and express consent of the owner.


Eramatea declines any responsibility for the services and/or information provided on other websites linked to this website. In the case of links to third-party sites, the User will be governed by the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy of the new website. However, in the event that it becomes aware of the illegality of content included in such third-party website links, Eramatea will immediately remove the links and communicate this circumstance to the competent authorities.


Eramatea reserves the right to modify this Legal Notice according to its criteria or due to legislative, jurisprudential, or business practice changes. If Eramatea introduces any modifications, the new text will be published on this same page, where the User can become aware of the modifications. In any case, the relationship with Users will be governed by the rules provided at the precise moment of accessing the website.

For the resolution of all disputes or issues related to this website or the activities carried out on it, Spanish law will apply, to which the parties expressly submit, and the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Salamanca will be competent to resolve all conflicts arising from or related to its use.

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