Origin of Olive Oil, a journey to the Heart of Caceres
The history of the origin of olive oil in Spain is a narrative deeply rooted in the depths of time. We travel to the fertile
Bienvenido a nuestro blog del Aceite de Oliva Virgen Extra (AOVE), una joya de la gastronomía. Aquí encontrarás todo lo que necesitas saber sobre este líquido dorado, desde su historia y cultura, hasta su proceso de producción y los numerosos beneficios para la salud que aporta. Pero eso no es todo, también te ofrecemos guías, consejos, noticias, eventos y recetas gourmet. Adéntrate en nuestro universo y descubre por qué el AOVE es tan especial.
The history of the origin of olive oil in Spain is a narrative deeply rooted in the depths of time. We travel to the fertile
In our “History and Culture” section, we will share interesting articles about EVOO from its origins to the current culture.
Did you know that extra virgin olive oil is not only an ingredient we use for cooking, it is much more than that!
For thousands of years, people all over the world have been using this “liquid gold” in their lives. They have discovered many ways to use it, and each of these stories helps us understand how it has changed people’s lives.
Have you ever wondered how olive oil is made, or why it is so special to so many different cultures? Here, we will answer these questions and many more. We invite you to discover and enjoy together the incredible history of extra virgin olive oil.
Al sur de Salamanca, en un valle regado por el agua pura de la Sierra de Béjar y acariciado por el sol de Extremadura, nuestros olivos, centenarios, nos regalan el mejor aceite…
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